"Even if someone ridicules, you must continue doing Seva. It will lead you to transformation. In this path, you will get more blames, and difficulties than support! Today, doing good has become difficult. But even if one person is good, the world can be changed. When you are young you can do a lot more, and you must take to the path of service." ~Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Anyone and everyone can volunteer. Location is not a constraint, age and skill-set are not restraints, only the will to serve the fellow being matters. As we look to expand in other areas, as we try to replicate this successful model in other places, we encourage everyone to work with us together in unity and spread Sai Ashraya to every nook and corner of this world.

Contact (If you have any questions/suggestions)
Email: info@saiashraya.com
Call us @ 510-255-5409
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
~Margaret Meade